Smart players use the rules to their advantage; special players take advantage of their smarts in the big moments. In this #TBT #UmpireAtHome, Adam Commens leads us through the genius of Victor Wegnez in the semi-final of the Eurohockey Championships, who used a fake inside the 23m to create an incredible goal. He notes how tackling within the 5m could have a big impact inside the 23m area and makes his thoughts clear are on this hot issue.
Watch the full episode to see more of Commens' insights on playing within the 5m around the circle, particularly on taking up space in the dotted area. What did you take away?
#UmpireAtHome explores issues facing hockey umpires right now, and through discussion, provides guidance on how to interpret the rules of hockey in a way that best serves the game.
#tuesdaytip #tbt #UmpireAtHome #hockey #fieldhockey #hockeyumpire #fieldhockeyumpire #rules #umpirelife #thirdteam
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