Clips:20240729 W08 ESPvUSA PC dragflick danger 20240729 W09 GBRvAUS Grabbing the ball playing ball after the whistle 20240729 W09 GBRvAUS VR 5m aerial infringement on goal 20240729 W09 GBRvAUS VR PC …
#WhatUpParis Ep. 1
Clips:20240727 M05 GERvFRA 10YC serious misconduct 20240727 M06 INDvNZL Goal ball over the line 20240728 M07 GERvESP VR for foot no disadvantage 20240728 M09 NEDvFRA VR for aerial goal 20240728 M09 …
#WhatUpParis Starts Today in Discord!
July 17 2024 🇫🇷 Le Briefing 🇫🇷 #WhatUpParis After the first day of pool play, I knew doing any kind of analysis stream with 8 matches a day was tout à fait impossible. We're now into the business …
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EuroHockey U21 Championship Aerials, 5m and Dissent | #WhatUpWednesday Ep. 164
📅 July 24 19.00 GMT➡️ YouTubeThe #EHCU21 tournament has drawn to a close in Terrassa and let's check the tape. Wait: there are aerials. But also! 5m infringements, and confirmation that indeed, …
EHU21 Tackles, Intentional Fouls and an Aerial + Whistling | #WhatUpWednesday Ep. 163
📅 July 17 19.00 GMT➡️ YouTubeThe players of summer are here as we head to Terrassa for U21 European Championship action. We have some big tackles, intentional fouls inside the circle and...what's …
Can “noting” help you control your inner monologue?
July 17 2024 The Briefing It's been a long time since I've sent out an email. In The Briefing, I'll to share highlights from live stream and social content, insights from around the interwebs …
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