In these special times with all of the world having to #stayhome in order to #staysafe and live with #socialdistancing we thought it would be a good idea to ramp up our efforts and try and provide you hockey coaches out there with a weekly Coach Chat. So we present the #AMA series of Coach Chats where you can ask any coaching question to some of the best coaches from around the world.
These #AMA Coach Chats will be live streamed on Fridays at 12:30h CEST on our facebook page (go here to ask your own question) and here on our website for all to see for FREE and without any obligation to log on or become a member here.

The replay videos of these #AMA Coach Chats will be available soon after the live stream on our website here for logged in Coach Community members (free lifetime membership) & our Coach Club members!
On Friday 2020-04-17 (changed to Monday 2020-04-20) we did a different AMA chat… For once we have not invited a top coach to answer your coaching questions. Because we all need some variation in our training but also in our webinar menu in these trying times. So we thought to surprise you this time and invite some umpires. Because, like it or not, they're a big part of the game. Some might even say often too big a part. 😉
This Coach Chat will be about having a better understanding of the “other” and to that end, we have invited proud Canadian Keely Dunn, the inspiration behind FHUmpires, the social media guru explaining all contested game situations that get us all heated up on Twitter or Facebook. We also invited the Polish umpire Marcin Grochal, who was an on-field umpire in the last men's World Cup.
We hope you'll enjoy, learn & spread the love for hockey! Please do tell your coaching friends and #sharetheknowledge
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