Not a personal appearance but the fine folks at THR took some time in this episode to discuss the issues around the #FIHcopyfight. Find the full episode and all the THR podcasts here.
The Reverse Stick #globalhockeypodcast Ep. #75
Then there’s this amazing The Reverse Stick Podcast episode where John and Matt ask me some tough questions about the #FIHcopyfight but I love them anyway. For those who are anxious to hear me put on my Wonder Woman bracelets, try scrolling to 22:25. But please listen to the whole thing, subscribe and let the […]
Copyfight Episode 1: #FIHcopyfight
After years of posting news, resources, and appointments, the one piece of feedback I kept hearing from umpires around the world were really looking for was the ability to view, analyse and discuss actual match footage. I heard you, friends. So over the past year, I’ve been posting edited clips on social media from various […]