Time to test your understanding of the free hit interpretations! Players have twigged to this play, as we saw it at the World League Semi-Finals in Antwerp and will undoubtedly see much more of it as videos like this spread virally. The question for all you smarty umpires is: what's the correct call?
Here's the play: first attacker only slightly touches the ball, second attacker from >5m away picks up the ball and enters the circle and is tackled by a defender who was lined up stationary and *inside* the 5m zone from the free hit. (Via Antonio Bustos, Facebook)
As always, it helps to go back to the source. Re-read rule 13 and the recently-released FIH guidance on dealing with free hits inside the dotted line.
Let's hear it!
You would think that the defender is not allowed to play the ball but by the 2nd attacker playing the ball, the ball is now in play – “provided that they do not play or attempt to play the ball or influence play until it has either travelled at least 5 metres or alternatively has been touched by another player of either team who can legitimately play the ball”
This ‘no call’ is the correct decision. The players positioned inside the circle were legally allowed to tackle the second attacking player as soon as he had touched the ball. Play on.