Our local CLFHA indoor competition got underway Sunday, and as per usual, we are all pretty rusty on indoor rules! In particular, a few questions came out of the day of matches regarding free pushes from inside the attacking half, and when can the team play the ball off the boards into the circle legally. As always, start […]
Professionalism Without Pay: The Modern Umpire’s Catch-22
In February 2017, long-time and now-retired Kookaburra Simon Orchard published a scathing op-ed lambasting top-level umpires who “severely lack the ability to consistently apply, enforce or define” the rules of the game. Seven months later, the Irish Hockey Umpires Association withholds their services to competitions in their country including their premier EYHL. These two incidents […]
HWL Semi-Finals Debrief
After the action in London, Brussels and Johannesburg, most tongues are wagging about the fascinating results produced by teams such as the Italian women, or the Belgian and Indian men (all for different reasons). However, real hockey nerds are talking about the umpires. As is appropriate for the third team, we’ll review three major stories […]
Why Middleton’s Goal Was Legal (Even Though I Wish It Wasn’t)
As a career umpire, I’ve developed the skill of watching a match with an impartial eye. An essential skill, I believed, so I could be as accurate and fair as possible on the pitch. A few years ago, I had become so proficient at my detachment, I actually outright lost my passion for the game. […]
June FIH Upgrades
While we hold our collective breaths waiting for the madness that will be #Rio, we have (at least) one more upgrade list for our congratulatory missives. A hearty well done to all!
May FIH Upgrades
It’s a wee but mighty upgrade list month, so congratulations to the fine folks contained herein. Well done, everyone!
April FIH Upgrades
It’s that most wonderful time of the month, when we get to revel in the successes of our brethren. And what an upgrade list it is, April has been good to the FIH umpiring community! Well done to all.
FIH Confirms Changes to Indoor and Hockey5s Rules
Some big changes to come in 2017 for the Indoor Rules of Hockey, as the FIH Rules Committee strives to continue to align the indoor and outdoor rules as much as possible. The biggest change is the addition of a centre line (“corner”) restart (why they can’t start out fresh with the correct terminology is […]
FIH Umpire Upgrades: Feb-Mar 2016
It’s another double-whammy for FIH Umpire upgrades. Well done to everyone, much success for the future and thank you for everything you do for our sport.
Life from a different angle | FIH
Former Olympic and World Panel FIH umpire and current Rio-bound video umpire Lisa Roach (AUS) offers a rare glimpse inside the video booth and into the relationship between the VU and pitch umpires. This article is a must read for anyone curious about the nuances of video review in the most pressure-packed hockey matches in the world. Source: […]
Umpire Nathan Stagno receives Golden Whistle | FIH
In case you missed it, one of our favourite bald umpires (yes, there are many so it’s a big group) achieved his major milestone at the Hero Hockey World League Finals in Raipur last month. Nathan Stagno made history becoming the first umpire from the tiny country of Gibraltar to umpire 100 senior international matches, a […]
This is what a GoPro looks like on a field hockey umpire
A very cool segment produced by Hockey.nl where international umpire Jasper Nagtzaam (NED) wore a GoPro during a six-nations tournament. Jasper contributes his thoughts on preparation and other topics. Some of the dialog is subtitled, but if anyone would like to contribute the rest, I’m sure the English speakers of the FHu world would appreciate it!
Michelle Joubert Joins Elite Group | FIH
Michelle Joubert has become the second South African woman in history to achieve 100 senior international caps and her Golden Whistle. Huge congratulations, Michelle! “Over the years I have learnt to love umpiring, I have learnt to cope with the pressures relating to umpiring. I really love being out on the field, I am always excited […]
Oct and Nov FIH Upgrades
Huge congratulations to all of the upgrades and retirements for the months of October and November! Of special note, Word Panel and Indoor Grade 1 umpire Caroline Brunekreef is hanging up her international whistle after a long and successful career. Thanks for all of your contributions to the game and hopefully up-and-coming umpires will continue to benefit […]
A Feel For The Game: MLS Referees | FOX Soccer
FOX Soccer has produced this fascinating look into the professional lives of MLS referees. Although there are many similarities with game management, the pressures faced and the commitment of FIH umpires to excellence, the level of professionalism you see here is exactly what Michelle Joubert was calling for. Source: FOX Soccer (US Only)
2016 Rules of Indoor Hockey Released
Quiet as a mouse, the FIH has let the 2016 Rules of Indoor Hockey slip into the world. For most jurisdictions around the world, no biggie, as the rules should take effect Jan 1 and many are still in the midst of their outdoor seasons. It just so happens that in the immediate locale of this […]
The Road to Rio… Umpires and Officials – European Hockey Federation
As Europe was awarded four Assistant TD roles, one Umpire Manager Role, thirteen Umpires and two Video Umpires, it was a day of great celebration! If there’s one thing we LOVE about the European Hockey Federation, it’s that they really big ups their umpires and officials. Plus, it’s always a good time to see more pics […]
What would you change in Hockey? | Self-Pass
Awesomesauce blog Self-Pass recently published an article in which they interviewed three prominent hockey personalities and asked them a series of questions about our game. They were: What would they change? Would they change something at all? Will they stop with all this permanent changes? Every participant’s views are worth a read but of course, we’re most interested in hearing […]
Do New HIL Regulations Point to Changes to Come?
Along with the European Hockey League, the Hockey India League has been a frequent testing ground for new regulations and rules that have sometimes made it into international hockey and thus the rule book we play under worldwide. So it was no small matter when the HIL announced last week that they’d be using a modified scoring system for […]
August and September FIH Upgrades
It’s a two-for-one deal this month on account of a certain person’s holidays which fell over the release of last month’s FIH upgrades. Never fear, we know how to toast it up right, even if belatedly. Well done to all!
FIH Announces Indoor Hockey Rule Changes
The FIH heard the massive outcry against 5v5 indoor hockey and have officially responded. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has confirmed six rule changes to Indoor Hockey which will come into effect at the start of 2016, including a return to six players on the pitch. Whilst that is the most significant rule change, several others […]
2015 USA Field Hockey Rules Briefing Video | USFHA
Here’s the 2015 USFHA Rules Briefing Video, presented by Steven Horgan, FIH UM and USFHA National Umpire Director. Always remember to check with the umpiring leaders with your national governing body to ensure you are following their interpretations. If you see things that you don’t understand, seek clarification and get answers. We can all get on the […]
Welsh International Dino Willox featured by Hockey Brisbane
A terrific interview with a brilliant umpire and person. FIH Grade 1 Dino Willox talks us through their philosophy on and off the pitch, how umpiring develops leadership and other professional skills, the decision to move to Brisbane, and the story of their biggest appointment to the final of the Commonwealth Games.
Attack Free Hit Within 5m – Tony Morales Video
FIH UM Tony Morales (ESP) has prepared a short but very useful video showing a variety of scenarios involving attacking free hits taken within the 5m dotted line. Check it out and share away!
Whistle Maintenance & Cleaning « Refereeing the Beautiful Game
Have you ever pulled your favourite whistle out of your kit bag and noticed it was a little grungy? A lot grungy? Hey, we’re not judging. Ok, just not much. Rather, we’re here to help. So check out this video and the accompanying blog post over on Refereeing the Beautiful Game and let us know: what’s […]
Umpire Claire Adenot gets voices in her head
Did you catch this moment? At the recent Fintro World League Semi-Finals in Antwerp, Claire Adenot (FRA) carried on a lovely conversation with ace commentator Michael Absalom (in French, no less!) as her wires were getting uncrossed during a match. Technology is a wonderful thing!
Answer: FHA Inside the Hash Line
Drum roll please… We canvassed your opinions on what the correct call is for this FHA inside the hash line. Now, here’s the answer from the FIH umpires who were on the game. The verdict is: play on. As you’ll recall, the FIH guidance set out very clearly that when a free hit for the attack is […]
Umpires, the Unsung Heroes – Pan American Hockey Federation
With the 2015 Pan Am Games now underway in Toronto, Canada, this continent’s Rio qualifier provides a special environment for both PAHF and neutral umpires. Here’s a recent article where umpires Carol Metchette (IRE, now retired) and Ayanna McClean (TTO) share their memories of umpiring in a multi-sport games in this incredibly diverse hockey region. Source: Umpires, the unsung heroes […]
UDP – 2015 Update – European Hockey Federation
In this latest instalment of The Chronicles of Europe, Jean Duncan gives us an update on many of the past UDP participants and where they’ve been to lately. Great work everyone! Further news of UDP Umpires in action around the world. Hot off the press – Sarah Wilson has been upgraded to World Development Panel following […]
You Call It: FHA Inside the Hash Line
Time to test your understanding of the free hit interpretations! Players have twigged to this play, as we saw it at the World League Semi-Finals in Antwerp and will undoubtedly see much more of it as videos like this spread virally. The question for all you smarty umpires is: what’s the correct call? Here’s the play: first […]
June FIH Upgrades
As always, we’re delighted to share the monthly upgrades as published by the FIH Umpiring Committee. Congrats to Lyndal, Emi, Jakub, Stirling and Rachel on their accomplishments!
Why You Should Stop Reacting And Start Reading: Ask FHU
#Askfhu is our ongoing series of posts that focus on a single umpiring issue that you may have been or likely will be faced with at some point in your career. We’ll focus on giving you tangible and effective strategies to deal with the situation. We also want to hear about your experiences and suggestions so don’t be […]
Golden Game For Umpire Raghu Prasad | FIH
The big month for top umpires continues, this time with India’s Raghu Prasad earning his spot on the FIH’s Golden Whistle list for his appointment on the AUS v PAK game at the Fintro Hockey World League in Antwerp. The immensely popular Prasad had this to say at the honour, achieved at the young age of […]
Laurine Delforge Interviewed at HWL 2015
At the opening of the Hockey World League Semi-Finals in Antwerp, local umpire Laurine Delforge is interviewed by Fleur Reinigert. If you understand Dutch, it looks to be a treat. (And if you have time on your hands and would like to transcribe Laurine’s thoughts in English, please do!)
Ask FHumpires: Dealing with the “unfriendly”
#Askfhu is our ongoing series of posts that focus on a single umpiring issue that you may have been or likely will be faced with at some point in your career. We’ll focus on giving you tangible and effective strategies to deal with the situation. We also want to hear about your experiences and suggestions so don’t be […]
Elena Eskina Celebrates Golden Century | FIH
Hockey World League brings about another wonderful milestone, this time for Russia’s Elena Eskina who achieves her Golden Whistle at the age of 39. She spoke about how far she’s come in an article on FIH.ch: I started umpiring in 2002, my first match was Germany against Argentina – two giants of the game. I felt […]
FIH Releases Rule 13 (Free Hit) Guidance
The new rule regarding attacking free hits taken within the 5m dotted line has resulted in an amazing amount of discussion in some circles even though in practice, it’s been fairly easy for the players to get a handle on. As sometimes happens, we umpires are prone to taking a more restrictive approach than the FIH […]
More Advice From Ice Hockey Referees: Should We Be Talking More To Coaches and Players?
Back in the day (yes, it was a while back and yes, I have first-hand experience with it), field hockey umpires put a stop to any dialogue between them and coaches and players–sometimes with cards. In modern times that attitude has relaxed but we probably don’t encourage as much discussion as ice hockey referees do, who officiate a […]
What’s a Penalty Corner Routine? | #askfhu
#Askfhu is our ongoing series of posts that focus on a single umpiring issue that you may have been or likely will be faced with at some point in your career. We’ll focus on giving you tangible and effective strategies to deal with the situation. We also want to hear about your experiences and suggestions […]
Forced to quit hockey, Nirmala Dagar returns as umpire – The Times of India
Here’s an interesting story published in The Times of India about the success of Nirmala Dagar, who most recently umpired at the South East Asian Games. We lose so many female athletes and officials to the pressures of the roles they are expected to fulfill at home. Somehow we need to work to encourage change at a deeper […]
VIDEO: Watch hockey player slap umpire | DispatchLIVE
Another disturbing report of assault on a hockey umpire, this time out of East London, South Africa: Former South Africa hockey player Reece Basson, who hit an umpire during match in East London two weeks ago, will officially know his fate tonight when United Hockey and Border Hockey meet to discuss his sanction… In the […]
Being Fair Without Losing Control: NHL’s Paul Stewart
Game management is universal across sports. Today’s good learnin’ comes from the ice version of our sport, where long-time top referee Paul Stewart offers his advice on managing the even more volatile personalities known in the NHL. My method for dealing with such situations was to take control. I was a communicator: These are my ground rules, […]
Updates to Dartfish.tv
In case you missed it, the FIH’s Dartfish video library has been updated with 6 new videos. Unfortunately it’s only 6, but since these are the first new videos we’ve seen in the last 4 years, we’ll taken them! The two topics covered are breaking on penalty corners and playing the ball above the shoulder. Hopefully we’ll see […]
7 Habits of Exceptional Team Players » Referee Mindset
Here’s a great article on the tangible benefits of taking a team approach to umpiring. It took me too long to realise how important TEAM is for officiating. I used to compete. Compete with my peers, with players, coaches, spectators, … everyone! I knew it was beneficial for me since competition makes thing more effective […]
Getting The Early Stuff Right | #askfhu
#Askfhu is our ongoing series of posts that focus on a single umpiring issue that you may have been or likely will be faced with at some point in your career. We’ll focus on giving you tangible and effective strategies to deal with the situation. We also want to hear about your experiences and suggestions […]
It’s Raining Golden Whistles
It’s a big day for FIH umpires Deon “Floppy” Nel (RSA) and Nor Piza Hassan (MAL), who both achieved their Golden Whistles (officiating 100 senior international matches). Nor Piza is umpiring at the South East Asian Games and Floppy at the Argentina Hockey World League Semi-Finals. Here are some great shots of Nor Piza’s ceremony […]
Day 3 at the Argentina Hockey World League Semi-Finals
Umpiring Seminar in Trinidad & Tobago – Pan American Hockey Federation
In keeping with the Trinidad and Tobago Hockey Board’s (TTHB) commitment to the development of hockey, the TTHB hostedtheir annual Umpiring Seminar on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May, 2015 at the National Hockey Centre, Tacarigua. Wonderful to see umpiring development coming on strong in the PAHF region. Thanks to Renée Cohen for taking the time out […]
Day 2 Appointments at Argentina Hockey World League Semi-Finals
3 Controversial Hockey Umpiring Situations – #1 | A Hockey World
3 Controversial Hockey Umpiring Situations to be analysed. What do you think about them? Personally, I’d rename this “3 Decisions You Have To See In Slow Motion To Realize The Umpire Got It Right.” Source: 3 Controversial Hockey Umpiring Situations – #1 | A Hockey World